Random Picker Wheel Restaurant: A Web App for Deciding Where to Eat Out


Do you ever struggle to decide where to eat out? Random Picker Wheel Restaurant is a roulette-style web app that helps you choose a cuisine genre for your next meal.

Simply press start to spin the wheel and wait for the result. The winning category is highlighted at the top of the wheel, and you can search for restaurants on Google by clicking the button below.

How to Use

  1. Press start to begin spinning the wheel.
  2. The winning category will be highlighted at the top of the wheel.
  3. Click the button to search for restaurants in your area based on your selected category keywords, such as "Italian nearby."

App Update History

2023-02-14: Added the ability to search for restaurants based on the result of the wheel spin. 2023-02-09: Added a confetti animation to display when the result is shown. 2023-02-09: Adjusted the timing of the result display. 2023-02-09: Fixed some minor bugs. 2023-02-04: Published the Japanese version of the app. 2022-11-19: Released the app.